SPIRIT SISTERS THE PODCASTwith Karina Machado+ podcastwith Karina Machado"You’ll be chilled, you’ll marvel and you might cry, but above all, Spirit Sisters will make you question your reality and ask, ‘What if?’". Spirit Sisters the Podcast is hosted by Karina Machado and features "conversations with everyday women who've experienced paranormal and spiritual encounters". Karina Machado is the bestselling author of the Spirit Sisters book, a collection of women’s true stories of the paranormal. Inspired by her own lifelong passion for mysteries and marvels, the Spirit Sisters book illuminates the extraordinary experiences of ordinary women, whose firsthand accounts of apparitions, near-death experiences, premonitions, hauntings and love more powerful than death are all captured within its pages. "To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Spirit Sisters book, in 2019 I launched Spirit Sisters the Podcast, which revisits the women behind my most unforgettable stories, and also unearths fresh tales to intrigue, amaze and yes, offer hope and healing". "Whatever you believe about the afterlife, I invite you to open your minds – and hearts – as ordinary women reveal their extraordinary encounters." Do you have a story you’d like to share on Spirit Sisters the Podcast? Listen to Spirit Sisters the Podcast on Karina Machado's website or on your favourite podcast platform. THE GHOST FILESwith Karina Machado+ podcastwith Karina Machado"Get ready for goosebumps" Are you ready to open The Ghost Files? Karina Machado, author of three books – Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – has spent a lifetime listening to real people’s real stories of spooky encounters. "Now, tune in to The Ghost Files podcast every week as Karina brings you a spine-tingling conversation with an everyday person who’s had a brush with something out of this world – from chilling apparitions, to mysterious signs from beyond, visits from late loved ones, and much more, these moments are inexplicable and compelling". "The people opening up about their experiences could be your neighbour, hairdresser or the mum at the school gate… because, after all, everyone’s got a story". Listen to The Ghost Files podcast via Karina Machado's website or on your favourite podcast platform. with Terry Keillor - Empower-Udate TBAtime TBACBD, TaurangaTerry Keillor (BASc, MASc, Dip Clin Hyp) Relaxation, Self Development & Healing Workshop
Past - Present - Future Life Workshop
Contact Terry or check his website for the next scheduled workshop 07 544 2619phone_android021 595 892DREAMING AHEAD OF TIME by Gary Lachman+ book releasePublished January 2022DREAMING AHEAD OF TIME: Experiences with Precognitive Dreams, Synchronicity and Coincidence Can we see the future in our dreams? "Renowned esoteric writer Gary Lachman has been recording his own precognitive dreams for forty years. In this unique and intriguing book, Lachman recounts the discovery that he dreams 'ahead of time', and argues convincingly that this extraordinary ability is, in fact, shared by all of us." "Dreaming Ahead of Time is a personal exploration of precognition, synchronicity and coincidence. Lachman looks at some of the ideas about precognitive dreams of earlier explorers, J. W. Dunne, J. B. Priestley, T. C. Lethbridge, and also at Ouspensky’s ideas of a 'three dimensional time', C.G. Jung’s synchronicity, some very remarkable 'coincidences', and Colin Wilson’s notion of Faculty X, which allows us to travel to 'other times and places'.” "Lachman's description and analysis of his own experience introduces readers to the uncanny power of our dreaming minds, and reveals the illusion of our careful distinctions between past, present and future." ABOUT GARY LACHMAN Gary Lachman was born in Bayonne, New Jersey, but has lived in London, England since 1996. A founding member of the rock group Blondie, he is now a full time writer with more than a dozen books to his name, on topics ranging from the evolution of consciousness and the western esoteric tradition, to literature and suicide, and the history of popular culture. Lachman writes frequently for many journals in the US and UK, and lectures on his work in the US, UK, and Europe. His work has been translated into several languages. THE PAST LIVES PODCASTwith Simon Bown+ podcastwith Simon Bown"My mission on The Past Lives Podcast is to investigate evidence that demonstrates survival of human consciousness after death. Each week I will be looking into a different aspect of this field of life after death and go in depth into the evidence that is all around us." Simon Bown runs the Past Lives Podcast and has produced over 160 podcast episodes. Simon looks into reincarnation, children with past life memories, near death experiences (NDE), spirit communication and anything else that suggests that consciousness continues after death. In each one-hour episode Simon interviews researchers in the field and people who have had very real experiences. "Almost all of the guests have written a book and in preparation for each episode I read the book to give me the knowledge to ask in-depth questions." You can listen to the Past Lives Podcast for free on Audible, TuneIn and Spotify etc. NDE RADIOwith Lee Witting+ radio showwith Lee WittingThe International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) presents NDE RADIO, a weekly exploration of near-death experiences (NDEs), shared NDEs, out-of-body and other spiritually transformative experiences, produced and hosted by founder Lee Witting. The show features worldwide guests with first-hand stories of near-death and out-of-body experiences, as well as researchers, clergy, educators, medical staff, military, and media exploring NDEs. "Our mission is to help validate, educate and support experiencers and those who care for them." NDE RADIO airs live every week on TalkZone.com and the 400+ interviews recorded since 2013 are archived for listening to free, at any time. To listen to previous shows, just click on Past Shows on the TalkZone website, or visit the NDE RADIO library on YouTube. Host Lee Witting is himself a near-death experiencer and is a chaplaincy NDE researcher who holds a doctorate in NDE Studies. As the world's pioneer organisation for exploring what happens when the soul leaves the body, IANDS is expanding its educational efforts through broadcasting with NDE RADIO. For further information about the work of IANDS, its publications, outreach activities, local chapters, conferences and more, check out the IANDS website. WE DON'T DIE®with Sandra Champlain+ radio showwith Sandra ChamplainThe We Don't Die® Radio Show is hosted by Sandra Champlain and has been running since 2014. Sandra Champlain is the Best Selling Author of We Don't Die: A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death. "Plagued by a lifelong fear of death and dying, Sandra Champlain began a passionate search for answers to some of life's most perplexing questions. She attended a workshop with international best-selling author and angelic communicator, Doreen Virtue, PhD. and discovered that she had a gift to communicate with beings who had passed on. After this breakthrough, Sandra realized deeply in her heart that she no longer needed to fear death." Initially Sandra told no one about her new skills and insights, and "instead decided to search for proof of life after death before going public". "Through a series of life-changing events and exhaustive research, Sandra now feels that she can finally share this truth with the world." Read more about Sandra Champlain on her website. Episode 1 - We Don't Die® Radio Show WE TOUCHED HEAVEN by Claudia Watts Edge+ book releasePublished May 2021WE TOUCHED HEAVEN: An International Collection of Experiences that Reached Beyond the Veil WE TOUCHED HEAVEN is the latest book from Award Winning Author of the series GIFTS FROM THE EDGE by Claudia Watts Edge. "Dr. Raymond Moody hailed this book as TERRIFIC, and an important asset toward further understanding the spiritual phenomenon of NDE's (near-death experiences) and STE's (spiritual transforming experiences) and contact with our loved ones on the other side. This book of personal stories is a global collection of inspirational and thought-provoking accounts of 44 experiencers from all walks of life, backgrounds and beliefs. From Atheist to Hindu, Hospice Chaplin and Minister, to decorated war veterans, a Naval Chief Petty Officer, NASA scientist, celebrated and award-winning authors, medical field workers, MD, and several PhD's who have spent a lifetime studying the spirit and the light - these are just a glimpse into the diverse wonders you will find within the pages of WE TOUCHED HEAVEN." Sharing their very personal stories are PMH Atwater, Rev. Bill McDonald, Sandra Champlain, Ingrid Honkala, Chase DeMayo, Dr. Lotte Valentin, Rev. Lee Witting, Caroline Chang, Sue Pighini, Rebecca Astill-Clausen, Gregg Untenburger and Tony Woody to name only a very few of the popular and respected contributors in this collective. "WE TOUCHED HEAVEN is a hard to put down, and yet an easy and personal read that touches, suicide, miscarriage and child loss, lingering illness, trauma and dementia. This book is a reference and aid to PEACE OF MIND, as there is so much more that awaits us after our soul lifts from it's human housing, and the spirit is allowed to soar. Thanks to Claudia Watts Edge and these wonderful moments of heaven, we need no longer fear the unknown, but can confidently begin to understand and remember our eternal home. Heaven has been seen, felt, heard and touched by these great writers and expressionists who are willing and genuinely excited to share all they experienced with you." ABOUT CLAUDIA WATTS EDGE "Besides writing books, Claudia is a working realtor in her home state of Utah, having lived in Colorado Springs for many years where she served as a hospice volunteer, the job she claims was the hardest and most rewarding of her life. She is a popular speaker and member of the IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) community, serving as a speaker/moderator in 2020 and has been chosen again to speak at the International conference in 2021. She enjoys doing podcast interviews which are available for viewing on her website, and has many books to write before she will return to the wonder of her NDE experience." WE TOUCHED HEAVEN joins the collection of the award winning series GIFTS FROM THE EDGE, and debuted as #1 in NEW RELEASES on Amazon.com. NEW THINKING ALLOWED PODCASTwith Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD+ podcastwith Jeffrey Mishlove, PhDNEW THINKING ALLOWED - Conversations on the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery with Parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD The New Thinking Allowed podcast features interviews and monologues, hosted by Parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove. Guests include leading figures in philosophy, psychology, health, science, and spirituality - "with a healthy emphasis on parapsychology". New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness and The PK Man. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "Parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. Jeffrey Mishlove is the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death. Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website for their searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support their video productions. There, you can also subscribe to their free, weekly newsletter. You can watch the New Thinking Allowed podcast on the New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove YouTube channel or you can listen to the audio podcast on Apple Podcasts. RESONANCE ACADEMY UNIFIED SCIENCE COURSEwith Resonance Science Foundation+ online coursewith Resonance Science FoundationRESONANCE ACADEMY - UNIFIED SCIENCE COURSE NOW FREE! "Resonance Science Foundation is a global research and education non-profit organization committed to the unification of physics and science as a whole." Founded by physicist Nassim Haramein in 2004, the Resonance Science Foundation team of researchers and educators have developed a formal unified view of physics. These findings have implications and applications to revolutionary technologies that transform people’s lives and the world as a whole, helping to overcome some of the largest challenges facing the world today. The Resonance Science Foundation provides educational opportunities through the Resonance Academy, an online learning platform and international learning community that empowers people to gain a coherent and fundamental understanding of the structure, mechanics and dynamics of the universe. The Resonance Academy's Unified Science Course is based on Nassim Haramein's 30+ years of research and development of his unified field theory. Featuring insights from Academy Faculty and researchers, the six modules in the course take each student on their own journey in understanding the dynamics of the connected universe. SIX EDUCATIONAL MODULES Module 1 - Worldview Shift Module 2 - Thinking Differently Module 3 - Modern Physics Module 4 - Unified Physics Module 5 - Ancient Origins Module 6 - Implications & Applications + NEW MODULE NOW AVAILABLE! Module 7 - New Advances in Unified Physics Learn more about the Resonance Academy Unified Science Course. TRANSCENDENCE DOCU-SERIESwith Food Matters and FMTV+ docu-serieswith Food Matters and FMTVTRANSCENDENCE 1 & 2 - Live Life Beyond the Ordinary Transcendence is a 2-season, 10-episode docu-series which explores the current state of our physical, emotional, and mental health in a captivating new way. "Learn the tools to transcend your limitations, unlock your personal power and achieve elevated states of consciousness to manifest the life you truly desire." Transcendence 1 - Live Life Beyond the Ordinary - 2018 In TRANSCENDENCE 1, you'll hear from some of the world’s most recognized doctors, high-performance athletes, thought leaders, and everyday people who are living a life on purpose through the power of food, mindset, and self-discovery. Come on a journey to discover the secrets to living a happy and purposeful life. Learn from the world’s best on how you can achieve everything you’ve ever wanted, using what you already have. Transcendence 2 - Live Life Beyond the Ordinary - 2020 TRANSCENDENCE Season 2 will help you to understand how powerful thoughts are, and how they can shape your life, your relationships, and the world around you. You’ll hear from some of the world’s leading experts and thought leaders on mind-body science, emotional healing, happiness, spiritual growth, plant-based medicine, and transformation. LET'S TALK NEAR DEATH PODCASTwith Kirsty Salisbury+ podcastwith Kirsty SalisburyKirsty Salisbury is a speaker, podcaster and coach filled with passion for her message of eliminating regret, living on purpose, and removing the fear of death. Kirsty is a strong believer that we can all "design" our future regardless of our circumstances. Kirsty's passion comes from her own traumatic life event. In April of 1990, she experienced a sudden brain illness which took her straight to the operating theatre for emergency brain surgery. It was during this surgery that her Near Death Experience took place, and she "experienced some very different dimensions to the ones we experience here on earth". She woke to a completely new life, and her interest into NDE’s has consistently grown ever since. "Join me as I explore Near Death Experiences, and chat directly to people who have had this kind of experience. We will hear first hand accounts of what took place, and what life has been like since returning to this life." Join the Let’s Talk Near Death Community to stay updated with new episodes, news, discussions and announcements about the Let’s Talk Near Death Podcast. ANTHONY CHENE PRODUCTION+ documentariesAnthony Chene is a freelance filmmaker and photographer based in France, who creates "documentaries and interviews about who we really are". After graduating in media journalism and audiovisual production, Anthony first worked as a video reporter within companies, media agencies and TV channels. Now Anthony works as a freelancer (DOP, director, or video reporter) for various clients, and also develops his own projects (documentaries, videoclips, fiction). Most of Anthony Chene's work is "available for free to reach a broader audience", including the documentaries and interviews below. You can view more of Anthony's inspiring, uplifting and informative videos on the Filmmaker page of his website. “Beyond Our Sight” is an independant documentary that talks about near-death experiences, human consciousness, and the possibility of communication with other dimensions. “Enlightenment” - Documentary SCIENCE WITH SOUL PODCASTwith Dr. Lotte+ podcastwith Dr. LotteDr. Lotte Valentin is the host of the Science with Soul podcast. She is a Physician, Evidential Psychic Medium, International Keynote Speaker and Author of the book MED SCHOOL after MENOPAUSE, The Journey of my Soul. The inspiration for this podcast came from Dr. Lotte's own life experiences. "As I have journeyed through life it has taught me that we are part of a greater divine web of interconnectedness. I have walked the path of illness, healing and transformation. After experiencing two near-death experiences, I became clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient, and was guided to attend Medical School at the age of 54". In the podcast, Dr. Lotte speaks with many different types of doctors, healers as well as spiritual leaders, educators and other inspiring souls. Dr. Lotte says, "it is my hope that you will gain information from this podcast that will help you create a path to healing your own life physically, emotionally and spiritually, and bridge the gap between science and soul". BEYOND DEATH by Sharon Hewitt Rawlette+ book releaseReleased December 2021BEYOND DEATH: The Best Evidence for the Survival of Human Consciousness Runner-up in the 2021 Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies Essay Contest. "Does consciousness continue after death? For 150 years, scientists, doctors, and other highly qualified investigators have carefully collected evidence in hopes of answering this question. In this award-winning essay, Sharon Hewitt Rawlette analyzes the best of that evidence to date." "Starting with third-person phenomena such as after-death apparitions, mediumship, and telephone calls from the dead and moving on to first-person phenomena like near-death experiences, memories of previous lives, and memories of the period between lives, Sharon Rawlette lays out the vast landscape of evidence for life beyond the grave. She argues that extensive cross-validation between first- and third-person evidence cripples the strongest skeptical arguments brought against each type considered alone. Ultimately, she concludes that the survival of consciousness is the best explanation for the evidence taken as a whole and considers what implications this has for our understanding of the world we live in, even while we are still on this side of death." "Both readable and rigorous, Beyond Death is a fascinating distillation of a century and a half of afterlife research." ABOUT SHARON HEWITT RAWLETTE Sharon Hewitt Rawlette has a PhD in philosophy from New York University. "She is a writer and philosopher who studies extraordinary experiences and what they have to tell us about consciousness and the deeper nature of the world we live in." Sharon writes about consciousness, parapsychology, and spirituality for both academic and popular audiences. Her foray into this area began with research on the "topic of apparent 'coincidences' - those strange, enigmatic experiences that are so often personally meaningful - for what they can tell us about the hidden workings of consciousness". AUTHOR INTERVIEWS THE PAST LIVES PODCAST with Simon Bown – Jan. 31, 2022 |